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Mount Vernon Community  Woodland 



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March 2020


Mount Vernon Community Hall was awarded £4,500 from Paths for All and £4,500 funding from Stalled Spaces this was used to help improve our active travel path and Mount Vernon Community Woodland.






January 2019 

Paths for All Active Travel Grant funding and Coltart Contractors Ltd helped us create a path through our Community Woodland linking with our community Garden growing space to help promote Active travel in the area.  


24 December 2020

Christmas Eve the Fox and snake were stolen from the Gruffalo trail. The snake was found however Mr fox hasn't returned so far . The Glasgow Evening Times contacted MVCH volunteers to find out more. click on the link to take you to the news paper article 

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September 2018 

Paths for All Active Travel Grant of £3000 to allow us to improve the path through our woodland and linking with paths within the park including our community garden area providing active links to travel in the local area. 


August 2018

Stalled Spaces funding boost of £4500 to allow us to create points of interest along our nature trail things like play areas and story telling circle to encourage petiole to explore nature and read together. 


15/06/18, 03/07/18, 06/09/18, 18/09/18

Stalled Spaces JM Wild designs and volunteers helped create our children's activity area


Tesco Bags of Help Funding 

We are delighted that we have received £4,000 Funding rom Tesco Bags of Help to make improvements to our Community Woodland area and Community Garden area. A huge thank you to all of the local community and wider community who voted for us each time they shopped at our local stores we couldn't have done it with out you!  


Paths for All & Transport Scotland Funding

We are delighted to have received £3,000 funding in order for us to make improvements to the existing nature trail and community garden improving the path to our local links to transport in the area 


Stalled Spaces Funding

We have been awarded £4,500 by Stalled Spaces! we plan to create points of interest along the path, ideas so far are sculptures, a story telling area, play area. If you have ideas or wish to help we would love to hear from you.


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01/11/2017 Paths For All


Mount Vernon Community Hall (MVCH) volunteers were awarded £1,500 from Scottish Charity Paths for All to improve local paths in Mount Vernon Park. Money was used to help buy equipment to maintain the woodland area and create a nature trail. 



 06/10/2017 Action Earth


Mount Vernon Community Hall (MVCH) Volunteers  were awarded £500 from Volunteering Matters Action Earth project.MVCH volunteers used this money to hold a Community Engagement Day to improve local paths in Mount Vernon Park 


A Special thanks to the Eastbank Academy 2nd year students and teachers Mrs Ahrens & Mr Livingston, Councillor Frank McAveety, Councillor Michelle Ferns. Who all worked along side the community volunteers and The Conservation Volunteers.

Thank you all helping us out on one of our wettest volunteering days so far. You were all amazing! 


Thank you also to Glasgow City Council for providing us with the litter picking equipment and skip hire and uplift it was fantastic.

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